James Hunter The trio opened up with "A Lover's Question"
(a bit of a culture shock for the kids more likely, James said later),
continuing with "Hallelujah I Love Her So", then a Johnny
Burnette song, an early James Brown vehicle... All delivered with
an impish enthusiasm. That voice just killed me. Sam Cooke lived!
Great backup too with Jason Wilson on standup bass
- I do not remember the drummer's name. James was a great vocalist then, sure, but since then he had refined the whole approach. His talents as a soul singer had developed immensely, and the ACE album he released in '96 (featuring two duets with his longtime friend Van Morrison) proved once and for all that he, himself, was a true ace in the British R&B deck of cards. We met again - and again. James is excellent company, entertaining you with weird stories from the world of music - or by sitting on his bed, singing his latest songwriting effort accompanying himself on his unplugged Les Paul. Strange thing is: in that setting he still sounds exactly like on his records. That voice - how does he do it? |