A P.A.W.S. CD Review 
The Remedies: "Unfiltered" GOOD MUSIC (1999)
The cover photograph, carefully tinted in reddish brown and depicting an old and derelict gas station, puts you instantly in the right mood. This is solid Americana: not the plastic naugahyde variety but the dusty and windswept one. And the music follows it up faultlessly, no worry.

This is American music - although created by a band from Göteborg, Sweden. A CD which brings back memories of records, concerts, journeys, parties - of food & beer, even. I guess every listener who is into this sort of stuff can hear traces of his or her own fave artists in there somewhere. To my own ears it rings of Jackson Browne, Tom Petty, the E-Street Band, California acid country, The Eagles - and of the current darling label 'alt.country'. A warm, rounded world of strong melodies, slide guitars and mandolins, harmonizing vocals - or lonesome ones, of ringing chords and plaintive mouthharps.

It's difficult to pick out favourite tunes from this menu, but I'll have to mention "I Will": a stark southern soul number with blue guitar and unison vocals, and "Drums Of War", opening up with piano and a lone voice and following through after a change of tempo with the full band, charging ahead with a strident slide guitar at the front.

There are slide guitars swooping all over the place, in fact, but no overplaying. It seems as if Olle Schelander and Martin Johansson, sharing lead & rhythm guitar duties, were born with a bottle neck stuck on their fingers. No doubt a handicap then, but a reason for joy to listeners today!

There are fourteen original songs on this CD, a strong yet varied collection:

  • "End Of The Day"
  • : a New Orleans or cajun rocker with Bernt Andersson guesting on accordion
  • "Broken Record"
  • : a stroll down the E Street with nicely strained vocals and that wheezing slide
  • "Give Me Shelter"
  • : a bit of a country rocker with Olle or Martin doing the Albert Lee part
  • "Here I Am"
  • : an acoustic beauty
    and many more.

    Laying down the stable foundation are Anders Olausson on bass and Eric Olausson on drums. Two good reasons for putting on your dancin' shoes.

    So whatever you do, go check out The Remedies at a gig (perhaps on a Tuesday at Jameson's Pub or on a Sunday at JazzÄ Bar) - plus get hold of their CD! So there!

    This could easily be the remedy you need, says

    P.S. Once upon a time The Remedies (+2) were known as Sweetwater - who also issued an impressive CD. Have a look! D.S.