A P.A.W.S. Page 

Robert 'Biggles' Sohlberg (1)

Tom Fullhand Brew: A wordplay on Tom Folland? Definitely a band (shades of a funkier Dire Straits?) featuring Robert Sohlberg (vocals, guitar) and Thomas Folland (guitar) plus others, unknown to me today.

I do remember checking out one gig at Errols: Thomas Folland turning out to be a fleetfingered young man, very tall, armed with a Les Paul Standard. Which he played most convincingly. And of course I discovered the voice of Biggles - and was hooked for life.

They issued at least one single:
Tom Fullhand Brew: "Tell Me The Truth, Mama"/"Universal Wedding" POLAR single POS 1254 (1979). Both songs written by Thomas Folland & Robert Sohlberg.

Thomas Folland later appeared as guitarist in the band TAO who issued one album "Live In Ecstacy" RAIR LP 1001 (1983). Made a showing in one of the early "Måndagsbörsen" programs.

Drummer in TAO was Måns Abrahamsson, also drummer with CAB in 1982. Recently working as recording engineer plus as percussionist in Den ofattbara orkestern in "Galenskaparna" and "After Shave".

Today Thomas Folland's name appears as recording engineer (him too!) in film and record productions.

'Errols' mentioned above, a club for live rock, was a true institution in Göteborg for several years, staging an impressive row of gigs by bands from Sweden or abroad. Last time I looked at the premises they looked depressingly empty. There should be a commemorative plaque or something. Or better still - a new great live scene!

Excerpt from e-mail from Carlos Johansson (musician in CAB, High Noon), listing the founders of Errols:
"Carlos Johansson, Thomas Weilöv, Kaj Edanius, Bosse Svenneke, Rune Petterson. These guys ran ERROLS for three years. Then Carlos Johansson bought out the other founders."

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